Upcoming Workshops: 2025
Bessel van der Kolk MD
The Body Keeps the Score:
Trauma, Attachment and Neuroscience
Join Bessel van der Kolk in this live two-day workshop as we explore how trauma affects the developing mind and brain, as well as self-awareness and self-regulation. We will look at the difference between disrupted attachment and traumatic stress and focus on the fundamental difference between trauma de-sensitization vs. integration and growth. Bessel will be supported by somatic therapist, Licia Sky, in this workshop.
Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney: March 2025
Two day workshops
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Past Workshops
Dr Jennifer Sweeton PhD
Neuropsychotherapy, EMDR, and other Trauma Interventions: Integrating Powerful Tools for Recovery
Treating trauma can be stressful and difficult, even for the most experienced clinicians. These workshops will teach attendees how to harness and integrate skills from some of the most powerful, evidence-based trauma treatment therapy approaches, including EMDR, Prolonged Exposure, and Cognitive Processing Therapy, thereby facilitating recovery in your most challenging clients.
Sydney, Brisbane & Melbourne:
July—August 2023
Two day workshops

Brilliant Mental Health
Specialist Psychologists and Psychiatrists with many years experience and over 5000 hours working face to face - developing mental health knowledge and treatment. Sessions from Bessel van der Kolk, Iain McGilchrist, Janina Fisher, Pat Ogden & Alan Fruzzetti.
Past Byron Clinic Presenters

Norman Doidge MD
The Brain That Changes Itself
Norman Doidge, M.D., psychiatrist, pioneer, united the world with evidence that the brain is highly adaptable and undergoes constant change throughout life. Dr Doidge is the author of two New York Times bestsellers “The Brain That Changes Itself” and “The Brain’s Way of Healing”.

Dr Marsha Linehan
Founder of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)
Dr. Linehan has spent her career in a clinical setting, conducting research projects developing new treatments and evaluating their efficacy for severely disordered and multi-diagnostic populations. Her primary research is in the application of behavioral models to suicidal behaviours, drug abuse, and borderline personality disorder.

Janina Fisher PhD
Interventions for Complex Trauma
World-renowned expert and author, Dr Janina Fisher’s proven approach to complex trauma treatment, which is based on 40+ years of research and clinical practice, addresses the holistic impact of trauma to aid in effectively healing deep trauma and attachment wounds so clients can break free from the past, feel safe and calm, and thrive in life.

Pat Ogden PhD
The Wisdom of the Body
Pat Ogden, PhD, is a pioneer in somatic psychology, the creator of the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy method, and founder of the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute. Dr. Ogden is trained in a wide variety of somatic and psychotherapeutic approaches, and has over 45 years of experience working with individuals and groups. She is co-founder of the Hakomi Institute, past faculty of Naropa University (1985-2005), a clinician, consultant, and sought after international lecturer.
Byron Clinic News
Bessel van der Kolk: A Personal Invitation
Trauma is an inability to inhabit one’s body without being possessed by its defenses and the emotional numbing that shuts down all experience, including pleasure and satisfaction.
Carl Rogers and the Person-Centred Approach
In this broadcast from BBC Radio 4, Claudia Hammond examines the work of Carl Rogers’ revolutionary approach to psychotherapy.
Eating Disorders and Motivational Interviewing
Eating disorder clients show higher treatment completion rate with Motivational Interviewing (more than double). Motivational Interviewing (MI) can be a useful intervention to engage individuals with severe eating disorders prior to participation in intensive treatment.
Depression in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease
The prevalence of depression is high in patients with coronary heart disease and it has a significant impact on the patient’s quality of life, adherence to therapy, and an independent effect on prognosis. The National Heart Foundation of Australia offer a practical easy to use 9 item tool for screening.
The Link between Sleep and Alzheimer’s: it’s a Vicious Cycle
A build-up of beta-amyloid on the brain, thought to be essential in the development of Alzheimer’s disease, can prevent deep sleep. This in turn leads to an impaired ability to expel this toxic protein.
Weight gain… important treatment implications
After a night of bad sleep, the hormone that controls appetite is adversely affected, and emotional stress is heightened.
Hallucinogens Treating Alcohol Dependence: A Proof-of-Concept Study
There has also been a renewed interest from researchers into the so-called ‘classic hallucinogens’ – LSD, mescalin, DMT and especially psilocybin – for use in a range of treatment applications of late.
Methamphetamine Dependence Treated with ADHD Medication
A 2015 study published in the DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences from the Faculty of Sciences presented a random, double blind, placebo-controlled analysis of the treatment process involving participants with a methamphetamine dependency and sustained-release methylphenidate (MPH-SR).
Motivational Interviewing: hypertensive patients’ self-care agency
Motivational Interviewing & hypertensive patients’ lifestyle changes.
Past Byron Clinic Workshops
Since 2009, Byron Clinic’s extensive professional development program has aimed to keep health care professionals skilled and up-to-date with current and emerging treatment practices.